Building sustainability

 The buildings of the future must meet new and different challenges. They must not contribute negatively to the global climate change, they must be built, taking into consideration that the natural resources are gradually exhausting in a fast pace.


The building of the future and its benefits

The buildings must offer comfortable, healthy and safe accommodation. To a large degree, they must αreplace the flora that their surface occupies by green terraces, especially in the densely-populated cities, where 50% of the global population already lives today.


At present, the buildings consume 50% of the energy produced globally while industries consume 30%. By improving their energy efficiency we can bring a great reduction in energy consumption coming from fossil fuel and the pollutants production respectively. A proper thermal insulation of a building is the best we can do for this.

The European Union is one of the regions with a leading role in sustainable development issues globally and it has set its goals for 2020, to show its commitment to positively contribute in the global climate change.


According to these goals, by 2020 Europe must increase its energy efficiency by 20% and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions by 20% while 20% of the energy produced must come from renewable sources.

In addition, there is the “Energy roadmap” of 2050 according to which the European Union is committed to to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80-95% of the 1990 levels.

Building with green roofs for Energy efficiency in the European Union


The building sector can massively contribute to achieve these goals through the thermal insulation of the existing building infrastructure, that either lacks or has insufficient thermal insulation. This way, combustion of fossil fuel to heat or cool a building can be reduced, consequently decreasing CO2 emissions that creates the greenhouse effect and the global climate change.